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p5-Regexp-MatchContext Perl 5 module prodiving replacements for regexp related variables
p5-Regexp-Parser Perl 5 base class for parsing regexes
p5-Regexp-Shellish Perl module for shell-like regular expressions
p5-Return-Value Polymorphic Return Values
p5-Rose-HTML-Objects (V) Object-oriented interfaces for HTML
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete (V) Ajax autocompletion for text fields
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Boolean (V) Extend Rose::HTML::Objects RadioButtonGroup
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-PopUpMenuNumeric (V) Extend Rose::HTML::Objects with popup menu for numeric values
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Serial (V) Represent auto-increment columns in a form
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Related (V) RHTMLO forms, living together
p5-Rose-Object Very simple class base class used by Rose objects
p5-Rose-URI (V) URI class for easy and efficient manipulation of URI components
p5-Safe-Hole Exec subs in the original package from within a Safe object
p5-sapnwrfc SAP Netweaver RFC support for Perl
p5-Scalar-Defer Perl 5 module providing lazy evaluation
p5-Scalar-List-Utils Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core
p5-Scalar-Util-Refcount Perl module to show an object's reference count
p5-Schedule-RateLimiter Perl5 module to schedule tasks with rate limiting
p5-Scope-Guard Lexically scoped resource management
p5-Scope-Upper Perl5 module to act on upper scopes
p5-SDL Perl module for SDL
p5-Set-IntSpan Perl5 module for managing sets of integers
p5-Set-Object Perl module to manage sets of objects
p5-Set-Scalar Perl5 module for basic set operations
p5-ShipIt Perl software release tool
p5-signatures Subroutine signatures with no source filter
p5-Smart-Comments Perl 5 module to insert debugging and tracking code easily
p5-Software-License Perl 5 module which provide templated software licenses
p5-Sort-Maker Perl 5 module providing a simple way to make efficient sort subs
p5-Sort-Versions Perl5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Spiffy Object-oriented Perl framework
p5-Spoon Spiffy Application Building Framework
p5-Storable Perl extension module for persistent data storage
p5-String-Format Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capabilities
p5-String-PerlIdentifier Generate a random name for a Perl variable
p5-Sub-Exporter Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Identify Perl 5 module to retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Install Install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Installer Perl 5 module prodiving a clean way to install package subroutines
p5-Sub-Name Perl 5 module to (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Override Perl 5 module for easily overriding subroutines
p5-Sub-Uplevel Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-subversion Perl bindings for Subversion
p5-SUPER Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch
p5-SVN-Mirror Mirrors one Subversion repository to another
p5-SVN-Notify Perl module for mailing messages for Subversion repository activity
p5-SVN-Simple Simple interface to the Subversion delta editor interface
p5-Sys-Filesystem (V) Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-TAP-Formatter-HTML TAP Test Harness output delegate for html output
p5-TAP-Harness-Archive Create an archive of TAP test results
p5-Task-Weaken Perl 5 module to ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tee Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
p5-Template-Plugin-Handy Handy virtual methods for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods Install virtual methods into the Template Toolkit
p5-Term-ANSIColor Perl termcap interface
p5-Term-Cap Perl termcap interface
p5-Term-ProgressBar Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
p5-Term-Prompt Perl extension for prompting a user for information
p5-Term-ReadKey Change terminal modes and perform non-blocking reads
p5-Term-ReadLine Interface to the GNU Readline Library
p5-Term-ReadPassword Asking the user for a password
p5-Term-Screen Term::Cap based screen positioning module
p5-Term-ShellUI Fully-featured shell-like command line environment for Perl
p5-Term-Size Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Test-Aggregate Aggregate *.t tests to make them run faster
p5-Test-Assertions Perl 5 module prodiving building blocks for unit and runtime testing
p5-Test-Base Perl 5 module providing a data driven testing framework
p5-Test-Class Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
p5-Test-ClassAPI Provide basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-Cmd Perl5 module for testing of external commands and scripts
p5-Test-Deep Perl5 module to test deep structures
p5-Test-Differences Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
p5-Test-Distribution Perl5 module testing all modules of a distribution
p5-Test-Exception Test exception based code
p5-Test-Expect Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs with Perl 5
p5-Test-File-Contents Perl5 module for test routines examining the contents of files
p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema Perl 5 module providing a DBIx::Class::Schema fixture data loader
p5-Test-Harness Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Inline Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-Kwalitee Perl5 module to test the Kwalitee of a distribution
p5-Test-Log4perl Perl 5 module to test Log::Log4perl
p5-Test-LongString Perl5 module to test strings for equality
p5-Test-Manifest Perl5 module to choose test order
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
p5-Test-Mock-LWP Perl 5 package providing easy mocking of LWP packages
p5-Test-MockModule Perl 5 module to override subroutines in a module for unit testing
p5-Test-MockObject Tests remote URLs or local web files
p5-Test-Most Most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-NoWarnings Perl5 module to make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
p5-Test-Object Perl 5 module to thoroughly test objects
p5-Test-Output Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
p5-Test-Perl-Critic Perl 5 module providing a Perl::Critic interface for test programs
p5-Test-Pod Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP POE Component providing TCP server services for tests
p5-Test-Reporter Perl module which sends test results to
p5-Test-Script Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-Simple Perl5 module with a simple framework for writing tests
p5-Test-SubCalls Perl5 module to track the number of times subs are called
p5-Test-Taint Tools to test taintedness